Personal data policy
We only collect personal data in cases where this would be relevant for us, and we will only collect personal data if it is relevant to your activity at House of Meta.
When collecting, processing and using your personal data, we always comply with all relevant legal provisions.
We will only keep your personal data for as long as we are either under a legal obligation to do so, or as long as it is relevant to the purpose for which it was collected.
Information we collect
If you wish to purchase and receive a product or service from us, we need to collect certain personal data in order to complete the transaction and to be able to offer you our services. We can use cookies to keep track of the contents of your shopping basket while you use our webshop.
We can obtain information such as name, email address, postal address, delivery address (if different from postal address), telephone number and payment information.
House of Meta collects and processes your personal data when you do the following:
- Visiting our website
- Carry out a purchase of our products
- Send us questions, complaints or feedback
The data controller
The data controller for the collection, processing and use of your personal data on is House of Meta, Niels Andersens Vej 23, 2900 Hellerup, cvr no. 42669547
Treatment basis and purpose
We collect your general contact information such as name and address in order to deliver the product or service that you have purchased from us. We collect your e-mail address in order to send you an order confirmation and a delivery confirmation.
When you pay for your product or service, we collect your name, card data and IP address. The information collected in connection with the payment transaction is used and stored only for payment processing and fulfillment of the concluded agreement. When making payments, some of your data will be passed on to Pensopay, including information necessary to complete or support the payment, such as the total purchase amount and billing information.
If you do not wish to provide the personal data required to complete a purchase of a product, you will unfortunately not be able to purchase products from us on our website.
Your information (except your e-mail address, if you have consented to its processing for the purpose of receiving offers) will be deleted 2 years after you have received your item or service.
Other recipients of personal data
We do not sell your personal data to third parties and we do not transfer your personal data to third countries.
We have our website at Simply and payment system through Pensopay, which acts as our data processor. All personal data that you provide on our website will be stored in Simply's data centres.
We use external companies as suppliers to deliver our services in the best possible way. These external suppliers are data processors and in certain cases process personal data in connection with their provision of services to us. Our data processors only process personal data according to our instructions and in accordance with the legal requirements for data processors.
We have entered into data processing agreements with our data processors, which is our guarantee that they comply with applicable regulations on the protection of your personal data.
Your rights
As the registered person, you have a number of rights, which we must ensure fulfillment of at all times. You have the right to request the following from us:
• To access and correct/change your personal data
• To have personal data deleted
You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data and you have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection authority.
If you no longer wish for us to process your personal data or for us to limit the processing of your personal data, you can also send us a request to this effect to our e-mail address
Step 1.
Send os detaljerede billeder af den vare, du ønsker at sælge. Beskriv varen så præcist som muligt. Hvad følger der med af varen? Har du den originale kvittering, æske, stofpose, ægthedscertifikat mm.? Hvor og hvornår er varen købt? Hvad er størrelse/mål på varen? Er der brugstegn, hvis ja hvilke?
Step 2.
Når vi har modtaget oplysningerne fra dig, gennemgår vi disse og sender dig et tilbud, hvis vi er interesserede i enten at sælge din vare, som kommissionssalg eller i at opkøbe varen direkte af dig. Vi accepterer ikke falske varer eller varer, der ikke stemmer overens med din beskrivelse.
Step 3.
Du kan sende os din vare, efter du har accepteret vores tilbud. Du kan også aflevere varen i vores showroom efter aftale. Book tid online via vores bookingsystem.
Step 4.
Når vi har modtaget varen, og alt er i orden, betaler vi via bankoverførsel inden for 24 timer ved direkte opkøb. Hvis du afleverer varen i vores showroom, betaler vi dig enten kontant eller via bankoverførsel med det samme. Ved kommissionssalg modtager du betalingen indenfor 20 dage efter at varen er blevet solgt.
Ved kommissionssalg får du af salgsprisen udbetalt henholdsvis:
For items mellem 0-1.500 DKK: 50%
For items mellem 1.501-2.500 DKK: 60%
For items mellem 2.501-5.000 DKK: 70%
For items mellem 5.001-15.000 DKK: 75%
For items mellem 15.001-25.000 DKK: 80%
For items mellem 25.001-35.000 DKK: 85%
For items mellem 35.001-45.000 DKK: 90%
For items med en salgspris derover aftales procentdelen på den enkelte item.